Mini-Stars: Preschool Prep

Monday, Dec 9, '19 from 9:15–10:45am CDT View the full series
In business since July, '16
30 mos–4 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
$45 2 spots left!
30% sibling discount available
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events from Stages Chicago!

What do you get when you combine your favorite music class with messy art projects, sensory play adventures, and child lead learning explorations? The perfect preschool prep experience for your Mini-Star! Developed by a professional performer turned child development specialist, Broadway Mini-Stars: Preschool Prep classes are taught by a team of professional teaching artists who utilize play and classroom routines to empower children to feel in control during transitions and adjust to the expectations of more formal classroom settings. By combining our Broadway "show of the week" model with an emergent curriculum approach, children are given limitless opportunities to explore and create through movement, music, art, and dramatic play.
*Mini-Stars classes are a gentle separation experience. While the goal is drop-off, parents and caregivers will be allowed to stay until their child is comfortable separating.

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