Masters of the Dungeon Verse

Adam Nees

Mr. Adam is the creator and head Game Runner for MDV. He has over ten years of experience in running games and creating stories for people to enjoy. Previously, Mr. Adam has worked as a Martial Arts Instructor, teachi...

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Dorian Dayton

Mr. Dorian is a talented Game Runner for MDV. He loves to learn, curate, and create in most things he does. His love of role-play began at a young age, playing games with systems and rules of his own creation. He has ...

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Kaylee Nees

Ms. Kaylee is MDV’s customer service representative, graphic and web designer, photo and video editor, fantasy cartographer, art teacher, and general logistics coordinator. She’s worked in gifted education for 6 years...

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Kelli Ebel

Masters of the Dungeon Verse