Parent Nap Time

Tuesday, Jan 21, '20 from 12–1pm PDT
Weekly on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat starting Thursday, Jan 2 and ending Saturday, Feb 29
In business since '17
All ages
Required: an adult must stay
10% sibling discount available

By popular demand, we now offer a supervised play option for parents that need a nap!

Here's the nap time rules:

1.) To take advantage of our Parent Nap Time, we encourage you to reserve hours ahead of time.  You can reserve up to 3 hours at a time.

2.) Children must abide by the House Rules at all times. 

3.) GIGIL is not a daycare and therefore we do not offer diaper changing services and we require that parents remain on the premises for the duration of your Supervised Play reservation. Should your child require diaper changing services or assistance in the restroom, it is the responsibility of the parent to care for their child(ren). 

4.) Nap time happens in our classroom. We recommend that you bring your own nap mat, sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, etc. for your own comfort. Head phones or ear plugs  and a sleep mask are recommended if you're extra sensitive to sounds or light. (Although the room is fairly quiet and dark).

5.) Parents are responsible for ensuring they wake up before their reservation ends. GIGIL has the right to charge the card on file up to 3 hours should you not wake up in time. A $35 fee will be added should you go over the 3 hour time limit.

6.) Children must be able to sit up on their own to be enrolled in supervised play. Infants and babies are not allowed in the nap room.

This activity already took place