Pickleball Class 3-6yrs

Weekly on Thursdays from Thu, Apr 18 to Thu, May 23
Thu (4/18) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
Thu (4/25) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
Thu (5/2) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
Thu (5/9) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
Thu (5/16) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
Thu (5/23) 4–4:45pm MST (45 min)
3–6 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
$10 sibling discount available

Welcome to our exciting 45-Minute Pickleball Class! Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an intermediate player aiming to improve your skills, this class is designed to cater to all levels of pickleball enthusiasts. Join us for an engaging and fun-filled session of this fast-growing sport.

Class Outline:

Introduction (2-3 minutes)

A brief overview of the class structure and objectives
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Light stretching exercises to prepare the body for physical activity
Short cardio drills to get the heart rate up and muscles engaged

Fundamental Pickleball Skills (15 minutes)
Grip and paddle handling techniques
Footwork and positioning on the court
Introduction to basic strokes: forehand, backhand, and dinking

Game Rules and Etiquette (5 minutes)
Explanation of pickleball rules, including serving, scoring, and court dimensions
Emphasis on sportsmanship and proper etiquette during gameplay

Skill Development (10 minutes)
Practice drills to reinforce the fundamental skills
Participants will have the opportunity to work on their strokes and footwork

Strategy and Gameplay Tips (10 minutes)
Introduction to basic game strategies
Tips for positioning and teamwork during doubles play

Q&A and Recap (2-3 minutes)
Participants can ask questions and seek clarification on any aspect of pickleball covered during the class
Recap of key takeaways and skills learned

This 45-minute pickleball class is designed to be interactive and engaging, allowing participants to both learn and practice their skills in a supportive and enjoyable environment. Participants should come dressed in comfortable athletic clothing and bring their own pickleball paddles.

We look forward to sharing our passion for pickleball with you and helping you become a better player!

sports and Pickleball Class
This series already took place