Shaggy Dog, The LLC

3103 S Glen Ave Ste A
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
3103 S Glen Ave Ste A, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
970-945-0264 970-945-0264

Shaggy Dog, The LLC

3103 S Glen Ave Ste A
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
3103 S Glen Ave Ste A
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

In business since: 1990
Total Employees: 2-10

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.


Monday :
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday :
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday :
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Thursday :
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :

Program Details

Pet Day Care

Cost & Availability

Services Rate Rate Type Availability *
Doggie Daycare $ 20 per day --
Grooming $ 70 per session --
*availability last updated on 08/06/2015

Ratings & Reviews

( 1)
WARNING. DO NOT USE THIS BUSINESS. ANIMAL ABUSE. I took my collie mix here for the first time since moving to the valley from Denver. I have never had an issue with grooming. I took my dog, Murphy, in to just get brushed out and washed and have a few of her tangles brushed out. This dog is not severly matted in any way. I very regulalry brush her and bathe her. I asked Angela to just brush out any tangles and trim the fur on her hindqurters and get her looking fresh! After dropping Murphy off I got a call asking me to sign a "Red Flag Waiver" for dogs that are severely matted and need to have matts shaved out in case of injury. I told her over the phone to NOT use any shaving device on my animal. Muph has had the same level of tangles when I have taken her to a trusted groomer in denver and NEVER have I been asked to sign a waiver or have they asked me to shave the dog. I told Angela to not shave the dog but to just lightly cut out any matts that needed to be cut out before brushing them out. I get a call shortly after to Angela telling me she had cut Murphy's ear and it had bled really badly and she had called a few vets. I was shocked. I Immediately went to get the dog and Angela handed me the fur matt she had cut off of Murphy's head. She did not just cut this animal. She actually scalped this animal. The gash was red and wide and straight to her head. I have never seen anything like this. For something like this to happen makes absolutely no sense to me. Angela immediately took a photo of the fur clump for her "own records" and told me the matt was so close to her head that she couldnt help but cut her. This is not true. Nothing excuses knowingly cutting an animal. This cut was negligent. I immediately took Murphy to Carbondale Animal Hospital where they had to sedate her under Anetheisia and give her stitches to fix the wound. She will be in a cone for two weeks. Angela asked me to follow up with her and let me know how Murphy was doing so I gave her a call back. I told her the severity of the situation and let her know I would like her to take responsibility for the vet bills. She immediately gaslit me and told me that when she called me and I told her not to shave the dog - that I gave her verbal consent to use scissors on my dog and hurt her. She has refused to take responsibility for this traumatic experience. DO NOT COME HERE. SHE IS ABUSING ANIMALS.
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