Haywood Erin Roosevelt Tutoring Services
113 Slaney Loop
113 Slaney Loop,
Haywood Erin Roosevelt Tutoring Services
113 Slaney Loop
113 Slaney Loop

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About the business
The Haywood Erin Roosevelt Tutoring Service has 3 locations Bay Shore,NY, Winterville,NC, and Heinesville,GA. The Haywood Erin Roosevelt Tutoring service is a company that tutors a wide range of academic subjects such as elementary reading,spelling ,math,phonics, middle and high school math (algebra I,II,&III,Calculus,Statistics, College entrance exams preparaStion classes for SAT and PSAT, and all other high school subjects. Also we tutor students preparing for PRAxis,NTE, CBEST, MCAT, LSAT and other professional certification test. The H.E.R company is the only company that offers private online or in person baseball or basketball skill development by retired,former NBA All-Star player World B. Free and retired MLB player Desi Relaford with 7years minor league experience and 10 years major league experience. Vocal lessons are offered by North Carolina's own Crystal White known for her vocal power,often referred as the next Whitney. Houston. All academic tutors are certified in their discipline and are required to have yearly FBI background checks,state criminal background, childline abuse check in applicable states. For the Convience of students and parents tutoring is offered at local school settings such as library or ECU,in the home if a tutor is available within 20 miles and most commonly tutoring is conducted using a whiteboard via skype so students always have access to tutors. Linda and Lynette White are the owners who started the company in memory of my late father Haywood White and my late sister Erin A. White.Linda is a graduate of ECU where she rwceived a Bachelor of Scuence in Nursing and her partner Lynette White has a bachelor of sciencein health and physical education,with a Master's of Education Equivalent from Gratz College in Melrose Park,PA. If a tutor is not certified he or she must possess a Master's in the academic discipline. Prices for tutors are competitive with the Sylvan Learning Center and the H.E.R company price matches any Sylvan Learning prices. Private Baseball or Basketball skills coaching from my on staff professional athletes prices are given per request.Foe the convience of students and parents the H.E.R Tutoring Company is open every day from 8 AM - 12AM EST and the owners can be reached during hours of operations.
In business since: 2012
Total Employees: 2-10
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Program Details
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Credit Card
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