Dancin Dogs Boarding & Daycare

17314 SW 30 Ave
Newberry, FL 32669
17314 SW 30 Ave, Newberry, FL 32669
352-257-9321 352-257-9321

Dancin Dogs Boarding & Daycare

17314 SW 30 Ave
Newberry, FL 32669
17314 SW 30 Ave
Newberry, FL 32669
352-257-9321 352-257-9321
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

In business since: 2011
Total Employees: 1


Care.com has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
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Program Details

Pet sitting/Walking
Pet Day Care
Service details
Daily feeding
Pet transportation
Administration of medication
Care for
Small Mammals

Cost & Availability

Services Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --

Ratings & Reviews

( 1)
Angie K

This was the first time I've had to board my dogs and what I first imagined would be a great experience quickly turned into a horrific nightmare when I picked them up this morning. They failed to administer one of my dog's Trifexis the day it was due and Tere said it was "no big deal missing it since it was just Trifexis", "it was Christmas day a lot of dogs were on medications, so she got busy and sorry, but she just forgot". I expressed my disappointment as explicit instructions were left for medications and they failed to adhere to them as instructed. She facetiously commented, "well I can give it to him now!" She began accusing me of being rude when I promptly reminded her I have every right to be upset as a disappointed customer whose instructions left with them were completely disregarded. Additionally, they told me only 2 VIP spots were available when I first called to make a reservation, which I came to learn my dogs weren't in the "VIP dog hut" due to a switch Tere said they had to make. I understand last minute changes, but it was yet one more disappointment on tip of them not administering Trifexis as directed. In response, Tere stated, "Well I can charge you for the VIP costs if that's what you want!" Yet again....here is another rude, sarcastic comment from this individual....blew my mind.

We got around to payment, which she had no invoice or receipt for as I requested before swiping my card and she again facetiously commented, "Well, we're not Pet Paradise!" I simply requested a receipt verifying payment, which she assured me the card swiper on her phone would send email receipt...which it didn't. While I waited for her to go inside and print out a paper receipt for me, I noticed one of my dogs (Leyna) licking at her front paw again. I had noticed it earlier when I arrived, but thought nothing of it until now when I found a huge GASH on the side of her right front paw pad, causing it to hang open. I inspected the rest of her body and found several other scrapes and cuts, but those appeared to be just from rough-housing with other dogs, so only the massive gash caused me great concern. After calling me vet to get her in ASAP, I rushed to the front door to confront them about this gash and Tere said, "Well I would've seen blood if it happened here." Mind you...we haven't even left the premises, so clearly this took place on their property. There is no speaking to this woman rationally, so as soon as I got me receipt, I rushed to the vet. I'm now home anxiously waiting for the call back from the vet after her procedure is complete. Her sedation and procedure begin around noon and is estimated to be completed around 2 or so. The estimated cost for such a procedure will be $552-667, which will be determined once they get in there to operate and see how severe the damage actually is.

This has been the worst experience and it is only just beginning for Leyna and I. If you love and care for your dog's, DO NOT, I REPEAT...DO NOT EVER TAKE YOUR DOG'S TO DANCIN' DOGS!!!!!!!
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