At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

In business since: 2018
Total Employees: 11-50

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.

Program Details

Companion Services
General companion care
Medication reminders
Meal preparation
Grooming assistance
Organization (bill paying, mail sorting)
Light housekeeping
Respite care
Personal Care Services
Bathing, dressing, grooming
Ambulation assistance
Transferring and positioning
Feeding and special diet
Skilled Nursing Care Service
Alzheimer's/Dementia care
Physical therapy
Stroke care
Skilled nursing care
Medication management
Speech therapy
Parkinson's care
Travel Radius(in miles):

Cost & Availability

Type Rate Rate Type Availability *
Companion/Homemaker Care $ 16 per hour Yes
Personal Care $ 17 per hour Yes
Overnight $ 17 per hour Yes
*availability last updated on 03/11/2021
Hourly Rates
Short shifts
  • Private Pay|
  • Veteran's Benefits|
  • Long term care insurance

Ratings & Reviews

( 2)
Emmy M
My first posts for a companion attracted attracted a lot of Home Health Care companies. Caitlyn reached out with a message. It seemed a like a small, locally owned company.
I felt inclined to reach out to her when Dad had a brief stay in the hospital and she was lovely enough to meet us the next day - on a Sunday - so Dad could have someone at home with him Monday. Dad said he felt he was mostly okay but only requested assistance to go upstairs to be able to take a shower in his sit down bathroom.
She SHOCKED I was requesting a vaccinated caregiver. (I should have stopped here.) The person she had in mind was not vaccinated. BUT she was able to come through with someone else for the 5 hour shift.

Dad texted me in the latter half of the day that when he was in the (downstairs) bathroom (constipated) for over 30 mins and the caregiver did not even check on him. She was actually on her phone, even for an extended amount of time when he came out.
Furthermore, she had a bad knee and could not go up the stairs, much less assist him with taking a shower.
Which nixed a reason for having anyone home with him. I was concerned about his strength, ability to get or call for help, and he wanted a shower since he had gone a few days without it during his hospital stay. (We've all been there, right?)
When I forwarded the text to Caitlyn, she was 'shocked' and asked if I wanted to give Gaylynn another chance? Who gets paid to do nothing?
Seriously? No. Why would I risk my Dad's health twice? And so instead of this company HELPING Dad AND me, I had to come home from work and help Dad up the stairs, and stay up there while he showered. Then I was able to come downstairs, shower, and cook dinner.
No second chances to prolonging my day and stressing me out.

I delayed posting this to see if Caitlyn would try to make amends. She firmly stands by her employee and her bill.
I encourage everyone to stand by your loved one. We all want to help the mom and pop shops, but this one is a pass over because they don't care about you nor your family.
Maria M
Compassionate Care provided a wonderful, unique service for our family for several months that grew to years. The supervisor and employees were open to changes in the flexibility of needs for my elderly parents.

We began in different facilites: hospitals, nursing residences & at home for until my mother's death. What was provided was safety, companionship, supervised wound care and medication assistance, cooking meals, feeding, personal care as bathing and personal hygiene, and transfers from chair to bed. This group of women caregivers helped our family adapt to complete care in the home until my mother's death.
Compassionate, personalized, flexible and skilled (In addition to being good cooks) describes the employees who were with us.
We are so grateful for all their generous and unique service for our parents.
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