Curbside Pickup of Purchased Art Kits

Friday, Jul 17, '20 from 10:15–10:30am PDT
Daily starting Friday, Jul 17 and ending Friday, Jul 17
In business since '93
All ages
Required: an adult must stay
Free 1 spot left!

Reserve a time slot at the Los Gatos studio to pick up your purchased art kits.

You can purchase art kits and other optional items such as apron and sketchbooks from the Store.

Safety is our top priority. The first to arrive will be the first served. Upon arrival, park in front of the studio. Be sure to bring along a valid form of ID. A staff member will come out to your car, check your ID through the window, and place your purchases in your trunk. All art kits will be properly sanitized and items will be handled by a staff member wearing a mask and gloves.

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