Piglet's Puppy Adoption Pop-Up

Friday, May 17 from 9:30–10:30am EDT
Weekly on Fri starting Friday, Apr 19 and ending Friday, Jun 7
up to 5 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
$25 Waitlist

Join us for a very special Piglet Pop-Up! We will be hosting a ‘Puppy Adoption’ pop up at the studio! Each artist will select his or her very own pup to take home with a pet carrier to decorate! We will have pup-themed sensory tables, a play doh bar and an “adoption center.” We can’t wait for this sweet event!

All ages are welcome. This is not a drop off class, each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Pre-registration is required for this weekly drop in class.

We hope you'll join us and share moments of joy magic together this spring.

Caregivers will leave with an understanding of the benefits of sensory play and tips on how to encourage this journey together at home.

art, Mommy & Me, and events
This activity already took place