Spring New Parent Circle: a supportive community group for babies & caregivers (0-6mo) - in person Early Bird Group

Weekly on Thursdays from Thu, Mar 21 to Thu, May 16
Thu (3/21) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (3/28) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (4/4) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (4/18) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (4/25) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (5/2) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (5/9) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
Thu (5/16) 1–2:15pm PDT (75 min)
In business since October, '17
All ages
Required: an adult must stay
$225 Waitlist

There are few experiences more transformative and identity-shaking than becoming a parent. In this group you will find a safe space to process all the challenges and surprises that come along with the arrival of a new family member.

We strive to create a place where a parent and baby can come and just BE. Connect with new mamas & papas, practice breastfeeding/bottle feeding in a safe space, talk with other new parents about current concerns and joys, and enjoy connection and support when needed in a casual environment. Babies always welcome, of course!

In addition to traversing the joys and challenges of being new parents, you will also learn about the signs and symptoms associated with postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, and will learn realistic ways to ensure that you are connected with the care and support that you need.

Our groups are inclusive, welcoming & open to all.
They are donation based. If you’re unable to pay the full suggested amount for the group, please write to lisa@recesscollective.org
**No one will be refused for lack of funds.**

*** Please plan to wear a mask during the group to keep one another and all of the babies safe. ***

First and foremost, this group is about gathering safely. As we make our way through a global pandemic, it remains crucial that we take one another’s health into consideration when coming together. We will be following SF's core guidance for covid and please ensure that you and your little one are free of fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc for at least 24 hours prior to any of our meetings.

$20 Add on a donation to support a lower income family for the series
infant, playgroup, parent fun, Community, new parent, dads, Community Membership, play, and parent support
This series already took place