Playful Milestones -May

Thursday, May 23 from 10:15–11am MST View the full series
up to 18 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
10% sibling discount available

This series is designed for developing learners, ages 0-18 months, and their caregivers. Using playful invitations and a supportive community, children and their adults will learn about the foundations of developmental milestones: what do they mean? and how do we support their emergence through play? We will help you build your tool box as a parent and provide support and encouragement through this exciting time in your child's life.

Classes focus on the needs of each individual child and caregiver. Skills explored include grasping, rolling, sitting, mealtime readiness, crawling, pulling to stand, walking, running, etc. This class offers 30 minutes of structured instruction through play with highly-qualified coaches and 15 minutes of free exploration and practice with peers in our beautiful indoor play space.

Each registration includes one child and one adult.

Need financial support or other logistical support? Email

Need-based tuition assistance available! Please email Katie at to apply or with any questions

early childhood, play, language, Family Play, and spring2024
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