Walkers & Cruisers

Thursday, May 30 from 9:15–10am EDT
Weekly on Tue, Wed, Thu, and Sat starting Tuesday, May 17 and ending Saturday, Jun 29
10–19 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
$35 $25 trial for new customers
$10 sibling discount available

Explore two-way communication with your child. Play floor (which changes every three weeks) encourages discovery, balance and coordination as well as cognitive and social development.
We'll explore new physical challenges every week through teacher-led activities, with a focus on different ways to use each piece of our equipment. Crawl through tunnels, explore different textures, Slide down (or climb up) slides, toddle over bridges, or take a ride. We'll also practice social skills and memory building through sing-along and group play. And of course parachute/bubble time!
Benefits: Physical, Cognitive and Social
Adults: Get quality time with your little one and give them the space they need to practice their new-found skills!

Adults please remember socks, no shoes or bare feet on play floor.

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