Babies to Crawlers

Tuesday, May 21 from 12:15–1pm EDT
Weekly on Tue and Sat starting Sunday, Apr 10 and ending Saturday, Jun 29
2–12 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
$35 $25 trial for new customers
$10 sibling discount available

Pre-crawling, Crawling, cruising, rolling, sitting, ready to explore anything and everything.
We boogie down with our babies, get up and dance, give them baby massages, sing them songs, and explore new physical challenges every week through teacher-led activities on the equipment. Explore tummy time from a new perspective or on a new texture, slide down slides on soft blankets, or take a gentle ride. Play as a group and socialize with others! Sing song, learn a routine PLAY! And of course our parachute/bubble time.
Physical: Tummy time, Crawling, and physical activity stimulates Gross Motor Development, Problem Solving Skills, and Spatial Awareness.
Cognitive: Songs, rhymes, chants, and routines support language developments, memory, and communication skills.
Social: Classroom environment promotes social and emotional learning.
Adults: Learn ways to play with your busy crawler/pre-crawler! Games and Activities you can do at home, chat with other caregivers, and get some uninterrupted time with your little one.

Adults please remember socks. No bare feet or shoes on the play floor.

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