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Top 50 Reasons Raising an Only Child Rocks

Sure, big families are great, but there's a lot to love about raising an only child. Here are 50 reasons why choosing to have one is awesome.

Top 50 Reasons Raising an Only Child Rocks

Is it “one and you’re done” for your family? You know the stereotype of the only child — “he never learned how to share” or “she’s selfish because she always had everything all to herself” — but this could not be farther from the truth. Only children are just as socially adjusted and giving as kids with sibs. And parents of onlies know how great it can be to give their undivided attention to just one child.

Just under 20 percent of families have only one child, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. If you’re steadfast for having a singleton or are on the fence, check out the 50 best things about raising an only child:

  1. Mom of one Candy Musttachio has a very important reason to consider — “Less mess to clean up after,” she says.
  2. Having just one kid means more one-on-one time with her. She’ll love the undivided attention.
  3. Um, holidays anyone? Slash your gift budget with fewer gizmos and gadgets.
  4. No sibling squabbles over who gets the TV remote or what movie to watch.
  5. According to the College Board, the average cost of a private college (plus room and board) was over $42,000 for the 2014-2015 academic year and over $32,000 for an out-of-state public university. You’ll only have to pay for college one time!
  6. You don’t have to juggle multiple dentist or pediatric appointments.
  7. You have time to stay and watch your kid’s the whole soccer game — instead of rushing off to see little bro’s T-ball tournament.
  8. Fewer diapers to change!
  9. More moments of peace and quiet at home.
  10. Only one parent-teacher conference to go to at a time.
  11. You’ll never have to go through potty training again after the first time. Repeat: You’ll never have to go through potty training again!
  12. The stomach bug goes through your house faster. Enough said.
  13. Less homework to help with.
  14. You know all those cool toys your kid has? You get to play with them! You kid will need a playmate and will turn to you to race some cars or build a block tower when friends aren’t visiting.
  15. You’ll get out the door earlier with a quicker morning routine.
  16. Fewer lunches to pack — and you don’t have to customize multiple sandwiches to suit each child’s preferences.
  17. You don’t have to struggle to push an infant in a stroller with one hand while holding a sticky toddler hand in the other when you’re on the go.
  18. Your child has to work at developing outside relationships. This means he’s boosting his social skills.
  19. More time to spend on non-kid-related activities (remember those?).
  20. You never have to hear “But when she was my age, you let her stay up late,” or any of its variants.
  21. There’s a reasonable amount of toys in your house, not a total avalanche.
  22. You won’t have to give out hand-me-downs to protesting younger siblings.
  23. There’s at least the possibility of buying a smaller-sized house.
  24. No need for a minivan!
  25. Less clutter in crowded spaces. “One less pair of shoes in the doorway,” says Amy Smith, mom of an only.
  26. “The sun rises and sets on my son. I am happiest when he is happy, healthy and well,” says Susan DeCarlucci, mom of a now-college-aged son, noting the “strong emotional bond you have with one child.”
  27. Having to keep himself entertained builds creativity in your child.
  28. You’ll never have to say, “Stop hitting your sister!”
  29. “More pizza for all,” adds Smith.
  30. You only have to make one additional meal for little ones at dinnertime.
  31. Grocery shopping takes less time.
  32. The average movie ticket price in 2014 was $8.17, according to the National Association of Theatre Owners. Family movie night is much more affordable.
  33. There’s only one car seat to wrangle with.
  34. You’ll never have to keep one sibling entertained while you’re at the doctor’s office with the other.
  35. Your grocery bill is cheaper.
  36. You can throw one really gigantic birthday bash instead of a few smaller ones.
  37. Family vacations are more affordable and easier to plan.
  38. Every day is a mommy-and-me playdate!
  39. There’s only one child trying to crawl into bed with you after a bad dream.
  40. Less chaos — and hence, less stress for you!
  41. You only have one child to keep track of in public places.
  42. Your child never has to hear, “Oh, you’re my favorite-student-ever’s little sister?” at school.
  43. Everything is always fair — there’s no “her half of the cookie is bigger” or “he got more cereal than me” to deal with.
  44. You might only have 500 photos on your phone, not 5,000.
  45. You have time to go to all the school holiday parties.
  46. There’s no choosing which child gets you as homeroom mom this school year.
  47. Traveling is much less complicated.
  48. You only have one bedtime routine.
  49. The blame game just isn’t possible when your favorite vase mysteriously breaks.
  50. And finally, something all moms can probably relate to: “It’s just easier,” says Smith.

Still considering baby #2? Check out these 9 Questions About Having a Second Child.

Erica Loop is a mom, parenting writer and educator with an MS in child development. When she’s not teaching, she’s busy creating kids’ activities for her blog Mini Monets and Mommies.