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How To Get Rid Of Acne In Adults

How To Get Rid Of Acne In Adults

Something has been happening to me and I can’t figure out how to get it under control. I am breaking out along my jawline and it is so embarrassing. I an in my thirties and you wouldn’t expect to have acne at my age. It’s so embarrassing!

I’ve searched the internet on how to get rid of acne in adults and it comes up with so much information that I can’t decide which is valuable and which information is not. I’ve read things such as eating apples will help clean up skin to trying to eat sugar free diet. 

I’ve bought all kinds of expensive face washes that claim they are the secret if you want to know how to get rid of acne, but none of them seem to work. I’ve had special facials that dry my skin out so much I feel like a piece of beef jerky. I’ve been to the dermatologist and the medications they put me on make me sick to my stomach and I can’t stand to take them any more. I feel like I have tried everything and I am beyond discouraged!

If someone can’t tell me how to get rid of acne I feel like it will be something I have to suffer with for the rest of my adult life. Are medications the only answer? It’s the only solution that the doctors are offering me.