At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.


State license status: Active ( verified on 3/31/2024)
This business has satisfied Minnesota's requirements to be licensed. For the most up-to-date status and inspection reports, please view this provider's profile on Minnesota's licensing website.
Licensing requirements typically include:
  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


Monday :
7:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday :
7:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday :
7:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday :
7:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday :
7:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday :
Sunday :

Program Details

Child Care Center/Day Care Center
Additional Details
Summer care / camp

Cost & Availability

Class Type Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
Full Time (5 days/wk)
Part Time (1-4 days/wk)
Extended Care (Before School)
Extended Care (After School)
  • Personal Check|
  • Credit Card

Ratings & Reviews

( 2)
Julia H
This was a horrible center and we removed our daughter from it and I am so happy for it. She has not showed a single concern at her new center and is ecstatic to go every single day.
The first red flag should have been that we were misquoted. All we got after she started was that was my bad for giving you the wrong price. There were numerous times I watched on the cameras, her not being attended to and completely ignored. We had to pick her up due to her being inconsolable. This was less than an hours time of her crying because they didn't have the time or patience to deal with her. Touring other centers, they laughed at this notion. They're completely inflexible about drop off times, even in an emergency situations. The director is completely unprofessional. She takes everything so personally And her demeanor lacks that of someone who should be in that position. This is a money hungry center, they don't care about anything else. There are some great staff, but the director and her insane rules ruins it. I strongly urge you to look into any other center in the surrounding cities and try somewhere else. For your own peace of mind and your child, tread light if you choose to attend here.
Joua L
It was a really bad first daycare experience. They were not child-focused, family-compassionate, community-oriented or organized. They treated our family with very little regard.

For a center that advertises working with each child based on their unique needs and welcoming communication with parents... They fell way short.

Red flags started during the paperwork process: contracts stated different things than what they told us. This included a much higher daycare price and a large yearly fee they never told us about. No explanation was given for major inconsistencies.

Our toddler had a hard time transitioning into this daycare, struggled more than other kids. Her demeanor changed drastically within days, and it concerned us.

On day two, they shared that their strategies did not work on her. They had no other plans to support her. They asked us to pick her up hours early daily due to her crying. We agreed to do so.

We never got access to teachers so we cannot speak about the teachers. Only access to the daycare head.

We had to repeatedly, kindly ask for school info they sent other parents and didn't send us. We tried to ease our toddler's transition from home, wanted to help her understand what was happening and who her teachers are but couldn't because we didn't have basic info, not even teacher names. They eventually sent us some (not all) of the info, but seemed inconvenienced. We worked with what we had.

They did not seem interested in learning much about our kiddo or taking a unique child-centered approach. They did a cry it out method, leaving her to stand alone at the door for hours by herself.

Our child became somber and looked defeated. It broke our hearts. Getting dressed in the morning resulted in panic and crying. She became terrified of leaving the house, even to play. This was not normal. On Friday morning, I informed the school we would be a little late because she was having another tough morning. They did not care and would not take her after the 9:00am exact cut off. I found this to be unreasonable when they knew she was struggling and asked us to accommodate them picking up hours early daily. But they wouldn't accommodate even being minutes late. Corporate rules came before child needs.

I messaged them that I was losing trust in their willingness to work with us to help my struggling child. The lead of the center called and claimed I called her and her staff "not human". The texts show that never happened. It was about having a human-centered, child-centered approach to my child, but she made it about herself. The conversation was not child-focused at all.

She spoke down to us: accused me of expecting her to tend to me all day every day. Accused our family of expecting special treatment. Said she didn't have time for basic admin tasks even though that's her job. Gaslighted me: said she sent teacher names in the welcome packet. Acted like I was overly demanding for wanting info. We checked our emails, we never got a welcome packet.

We were just a family new to daycare with a struggling child, wanting to know who her teachers were and other basic info, wanting to support our kiddo. It wasn't an unreasonable ask. It was info they already sent other parents but resisted sending us. She painted us as a demanding, difficult family instead.

Our child did nothing wrong but the daycare lead suggested that we withdraw her. We took her up on this offer.

Our parent friends were shocked hearing our experience, never saw this in their daycares. A child social worker expert & friend said my child's reaction was concerning and should have been taken more seriously by the daycare.

Don't know if they are understaffed or mismanaged. Don't know if she treats other families this way or if she just had something against us. She didn't even know us. We left after the first week.

Though they did not care how this affected our child, we do. She has trauma-like symptoms now. We are undoing the harm with intention and care, she is slowly thriving again.

We wish we paid attention to the red flags in the beginning. Stay away from here if you want a child-centered, family-friendly, compassionate, culturally-competent, noncorporate experience.
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